A Message From President Eileen Schwalbach

eileenschwalbach.jpgThe violence of the past weekend has saddened us all. As a university, sponsored by the School Sisters of Notre Dame, we are called to address the divisions in our city and in our world with audacity and hope. 
In the words of the SSNDs, we reaffirm our commitment to "witness unity in a divided world" and embrace dialogue that leads to reconciliation and healing.
To that end, the Mount Mary community is taking the following steps:
And now I invite you to listen to some of our faculty and administration as they share some reflections on how we can further constructive dialogue and promote unity in a manner that works to address the challenges of our times.

May we have peace in our hearts, peace in our city, and peace in the world.
Eileen Schwalbach, Ph.D.

Listen to our reflections:

How do communities respond to tragedies? Lynn Woehrle talks about professionally trained organizations and people working for peace, rebuilding, and change for better.

What can we learn from tragedy? How can we grow intellectually? Shawnee Daniels-Sykes believes compassion is the foundation for understanding diverse people and ideas.

How do we sit around a table and really listen to the other? Sister Joan Penzenstadler, vice president for mission and identity, discusses the importance of contemplative dialogue.

What are the natural, biological ways in which we heal? Tammy Scheidegger, associate professor of counseling, discusses how we're naturally wired to socially heal.



  •  shawnee.png

    Shawnee Daniels-Sykes
    Professor of Theology


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    Lynn Woehrle
    Professor of Sociology
    Coordinator of Peacebuilding Certificate


  • sister-joan.jpg

    Sister Joan Penzenstadler, SSND
    Vice President of Mission and Identity


  • tammy.jpg

    Tammy Scheidegger
    Associate Professor of Counseling