To voting, students say I DO
Students at Mount Mary University are hoping to inspire a commitment to the voting by staging "pollposals," and formally asking one another to vote.
What is a pollposal?
The concept of a pollposal is like a promposal -- you're asking someone to vote with you. And a pollposal can involve presenting someone with a Ring Pop while kneeling, or be as simple as a whiteboard message to a buddy. Our students will be surprising their professors, friends, and even the University President with one serious question: Will you vote with me?
The idea was inspired by Cosmopolitan's movement #CosmoVotes where popular celebrities like Tony Goldwyn asks Ellen DeGeneres to vote with him.
Hey @TheEllenShow….we're only two months away from Nov 8th so there is something I need to ask........
- Tony Goldwyn (@tonygoldwyn) September 7, 2016
Millennials (ages 18-35) make up 31% of the electorate, but they have the lowest turnout rate. Student Government Association at Mount Mary wants to change that by holding one another accountable for voting.
How to participate:
- Pick up a ring to poll-pose to a friend from Student Engagement (Caroline Hall 142).
- Pollpose to your friend!
- Share your pollposal photo/video on social media, tag @mountmaryuniversity and use #CosmoVotes.
Voting information:
Visit for information on where and how to vote. Shuttles are available on election day November 8 to take on-campus residents to vote. Contact Student Engagement in CH 142 or at for more information.