Untold Stories
Untold Stories is a two-part event the aims to bring awareness and healing to survivors of sexual or domestic violence or human trafficking.
Fall Writing Workshop: Untold Stories offers an intensive testimonial writing workshop with a creative and safe environment for survivors to develop their own work of poetry, short fiction, or prose. Guided by award-winning author, R. Clifton Spargo, and Anne Ream, founder of The Voices and Faces Project™, participants showcase their work in a unique format in order to impact the community through individual testimony.
Spring Showcase: Untold Stories offers a panel discussion featuring key players in the fight against these crimes and the support of the victims in the spring. Panel discussion and presentation topics vary by year.
"…The only way we can challenge and change the way the world responds to sexual violence is to bring these stories to the attention of the public." --Anne Ream, Chicago Tribune, December 4, 2011.